Thursday, April 29, 2010

The latest

Adam spoke with Eva's doctor. We have been cleared to be discharged, which means we should be out of the hospital hopefully sometime this early afternoon.

They are going to be putting Eva back on propranolol, in addition to the flecainide. The two drugs work well together and should hopefully help keep her heart rate normal. There are no anticipated new side effects from being on both drugs... it shouldn't make her dopey or sleepy ... or Bashful or Sneezy or Grumpy or Doc.

The prognosis is still otherwise the same. The doctor is hopeful she will grow out of this. As long as she does not continue to have episodes, we will not plan on increasing her dosage and will eventually ween her off the medications all together. For now though the doctor said continue on normally. There are no restrictions on what she can eat or what she can do.

Thanks for the love... for us and for our daughter. We feel tired, but at peace. He's got the whole world in His hands.


  1. Thanks, for the update on Eva and the reference to dwarfs (the spell checker hear apparently only things "dwarfs" is the correct plural form, when I much prefer "dwarves". Cute pics as always!

  2. omg! I said "hear" instead of "here." Day ruined.

  3. You guys are awesome. Way to be responsible rational parents. Thanks for keeping us posted, and way to stay in good spirits!

  4. Praying for you guys and the much needed sleep, rest and peace. Hope those meds do the trick!!
